Hi it's been a while since I have updated so a few things to mention.
First of all not I am no longer rehearsing with the band, didn't quite work out but for the best I think.
Have started to play the guitar had my 2nd lesson of 10 this evening and feel I am doing pretty good :)
Be a couple of good things happening at the Igloo annual concert at the end of Nov :)
Have a gig in a pub in Chesterfield on Friday 5th Nov, basically a kind of a tribute to a band called Wishbone Ash who I am a very big fan of. All their fans meet up for a convention on a weekend in Nov every year, people from all over. it's good fun and the company is great!! A few of the fans formed a tribute band last year and are performing again this year with me joining them which is very exciting, I am doing 3 songs lead vocals and 5 I will be doing the harmonies for which will be pretty awesome!! 
Well thats it for now will update soon with any news :)